Character List


Starting from adventurous Coraline herself to the sinister Other Mother, several delightful characters abound the novella, "Coraline" by Neil Gaiman.

An Overlook of the Main Characters


Coraline Jones

Brave, curious, determined, resourceful, empathetic

Coraline Jones is the adventurous and curious young protagonist of Neil Gaiman's novel "Coraline." She discovers a parallel world that seems better than her own but soon realizes its sinister nature, leading her to courageously fight to save herself and her parents.


The Other Mother

Manipulative, cunning, deceptive, controlling, sinister

The Other Mother is a sinister, shape-shifting entity who creates an enticing but dangerous parallel world in Neil Gaiman's "Coraline." She lures children into her world with the promise of a better life, only to trap and eventually consume their souls.

Ally of Protagnonist

The Cat

Intelligent, enigmatic, resourceful, confident, loyal

The cat is a mysterious, talking feline who acts as a guide and ally to Coraline. He provides her with crucial information and assistance in navigating the dangers of the Other Mother's world.


Continue down for all the characters to Coraline

Neesha Thunga K

Article written by Neesha Thunga K

B.A. in English Literature, and M.A. in English Language and Literature.

Coraline” by Neil Gaiman is a children’s story that is filled with several colorful characters including young Coraline Jones herself, her “mundane” parents, The Other Mother and the Other Father, Coraline’s eccentric neighbors, Miss. Forcible and Miss. Spink, the crazy old man, and a talking cat. Each of these characters has their quirks and helps Coraline realize her true potential in various ways.

Coraline Jones

Role: Protagonist

Key Info: Brave, curious young girl; main character of the story.

Coraline, a brave and curious young girl who discovers a mysterious and dangerous parallel universe.
Coraline, a brave and curious young girl who discovers a mysterious and dangerous parallel universe.
Background: Coraline Jones moves into a new home with her parents and discovers a mysterious parallel world accessed through a hidden door in her house.
Personality: Coraline is characterized by her bravery, curiosity, and determination. She possesses a strong sense of independence and is not afraid to confront challenges head-on.
Development: Throughout the story, Coraline undergoes significant growth as she faces the dangers of the Other Mother’s world. She learns to trust her instincts, relies on her resourcefulness, and ultimately demonstrates great resilience in the face of adversity.
Significance: Coraline’s journey serves as a coming-of-age tale, highlighting themes of bravery, self-reliance, and the dangers of idealization. As the protagonist, her actions drive the plot forward and embody the novella’s exploration of themes such as courage and the power of imagination.

Coraline’s character is multifaceted, showcasing both her vulnerabilities and strengths. Her journey resonates with readers as she navigates a surreal and perilous world, ultimately emerging triumphant through her courage and unwavering determination. Coraline’s character serves as a relatable and empowering figure for readers, especially young audiences. Her journey is not just a physical adventure but also an emotional and psychological one, as she grapples with feelings of loneliness, fear, and the longing for something more exciting in her life. Her bravery in the face of danger teaches valuable lessons about perseverance and resilience.

Furthermore, Coraline’s interactions with other characters, such as the Other Mother and the Cat, reveal deeper layers of her personality and moral compass. Her skepticism and refusal to be deceived by the Other Mother’s illusions demonstrate her discerning nature and innate sense of right and wrong. This aspect of her character reinforces the importance of critical thinking and staying true to oneself, even in the face of temptation or manipulation.

The Other Mother

Role: Antagonist
Key Info: A sinister, shape-shifting entity; lures children into a parallel world to trap and consume their souls.
Coraline Character List 📖 1
The Other Mother, an evil witch-like, parallel universe version of Mrs. Jones
Background: The Other Mother presents herself as a seemingly perfect version of Coraline’s real mother in the parallel world Coraline discovers. However, her true nature is revealed as Coraline uncovers the dark reality behind her facade.r in her house.
Personality: The Other Mother is manipulative, cunning, and deeply sinister. She preys on children’s desires for love and attention, using illusions and deception to ensnare them in her web.
Development: Throughout the story, the Other Mother’s malevolent intentions become increasingly apparent as Coraline delves deeper into the parallel world. Her facade of warmth and affection crumbles, revealing her true monstrous form as Coraline continually challenges her.
Significance: As the primary antagonist, the Other Mother represents the dangers of false promises and illusions. Her character serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of independent judgment and critical thinking, especially when faced with seemingly perfect but ultimately deceptive situations.

The Other Mother’s character is deeply rooted in the concept of the uncanny valley, where something familiar appears slightly off or unsettling. She presents an exaggerated version of a caring mother, which initially draws Coraline in but ultimately becomes increasingly unsettling as her true intentions are revealed.

Moreover, the Other Mother’s role as a shapeshifter symbolizes the fluidity of truth and identity. She manipulates reality to suit her desires, blurring the lines between what is real and what is illusion. This aspect of her character reflects the theme of perception versus reality, urging readers to question their own assumptions and perceptions in the face of deception.

The Cat 

Role: Ally to the Protagonist, Coraline

Key Info: Mysterious, talking feline; guide and ally to Coraline.

The Cat from Coraline portrait
The Cat, Coraline’s only true friend in the story, who can speak in the alternate universe
Background: The Cat appears early in the story, initially observing Coraline’s adventures from a distance before becoming actively involved in helping her navigate the Other Mother’s world.
Personality: The Cat is enigmatic and clever, often speaking in cryptic riddles. He exudes confidence and possesses knowledge about the Other Mother’s true nature.
Development: Throughout the story, the Cat serves as a steadfast companion to Coraline, offering guidance and protection. While he maintains his mysterious nature, his loyalty to Coraline becomes increasingly evident.
Significance: The Cat represents wisdom and guidance in the face of danger. His presence underscores Coraline’s journey towards independence and self-discovery, offering crucial support as she confronts the Other Mother.

Symbolically, the Cat embodies the concept of intuition and trust in oneself. His role goes beyond that of a mere pet; he acts as Coraline’s mentor, urging her to trust her instincts and navigate the challenges presented by the Other Mother with cunning and resilience.

Further, the Cat’s role as a mentor figure to Coraline underscores the theme of self-discovery and empowerment. He encourages Coraline to trust her instincts and think critically, providing valuable advice without directly intervening in her decisions. This dynamic reflects the importance of personal agency and learning to rely on one’s judgment in navigating life’s challenges.

Moreover, the Cat’s loyalty to Coraline highlights the significance of genuine connections and friendships, even in the most unexpected places. Despite his aloof demeanor, the Cat remains a steadfast ally, offering support and protection when Coraline needs it most. His presence reassures readers that they are never truly alone, even in the darkest of circumstances.

Mr. Jones 

Role: Father of the protagonist

Key Info: Coraline’s caring, yet often neglectful father; plays a significant role in Coraline’s life and adventures.

Portrait of Mr Jones, Coraline's father
Mr. Jones, Coraline’s neglectful, but ultimately loving, father
Background: Mr. Jones is Coraline’s father and is initially preoccupied with work, often distracted and busy. However, he shows genuine concern for Coraline’s well-being.
Personality: Mr. Jones is portrayed as a loving and caring father, albeit somewhat absent-minded due to his work commitments. He is supportive of Coraline and demonstrates a willingness to listen and understand her concerns.
Development: Mr. Jones’ transformation from a distracted father to an active participant in Coraline’s adventures reinforces the novel’s themes of family, courage, and the triumph of love over darkness. His character undergoes growth as he learns to prioritize his family over work and becomes more attuned to Coraline’s needs.
Significance: Mr. Jones represents the importance of family and parental support in Coraline’s journey. His character underscores the theme of love and connection, highlighting the bond between parent and child as a source of strength and resilience.

Mr. Jones, or Charlie Jones, Coraline’s real father, works from home in the Pink Palace Apartments in Oregon, and barely has time to spare for his daughter. He spends most of his time at his desk and does not even look up whenever Coraline asks him a question. The constant parental neglect that Coraline is subjected to prompts Coraline to amuse herself. As a result, she becomes much more self-sufficient than any girl her age. However, the father-daughter duo loves each other despite being emotionally distant from one another.

Coraline’s father is known for being adventurous with his meals, which are disgustingly termed as “recipes” by Coraline. He is kidnapped by the Other Mother and is ultimately rescued by Coraline. After this incident, he seems to have developed a greater amount of affection towards his daughter. His character serves as a foil to the Other Mother, contrasting her manipulative and controlling nature with his genuine care and affection for Coraline.

Mrs. Jones

Role: Mother of the protagonist

Key Info: Coraline’s nurturing, yet often neglectful mother; plays a crucial role in Coraline’s life and journey.

Portrait of Mrs. Jones
Mel Jones, Coralines distant mother
Background: Mrs. Jones is Coraline’s mother, depicted as caring, yet inattentive to Coraline’s needs. She is initially preoccupied with household tasks but shows genuine concern for Coraline’s well-being.
Personality: Mrs. Jones is portrayed as warm, nurturing, and absent-minded. She is invested in her daughter’s happiness and safety, although she sometimes struggles to balance her responsibilities with her attention to Coraline.
Development: As the story unfolds, Mrs. Jones becomes increasingly involved in Coraline’s adventures, particularly after Coraline goes missing in the Other Mother’s world. Her character undergoes growth as she learns to prioritize her daughter’s needs.
Significance: Mrs. Jones represents the maternal instinct and the unconditional love of a parent. Her character reflects the theme of family and the importance of a mother’s guidance and support in Coraline’s journey.

Mrs. Jones, Coraline’s real mother, is a busy woman who does not pay much attention to her daughter. Initially, she cannot be bothered about the meals that she feeds her daughter and does not indulge Coraline in her whims and fancies. This leads to Coraline wishing for things better in the real world than her own – a wish that is manifested In the parallel universe created by the Other Mother. However, Mrs. Jones is encouraging and supportive of her daughter’s adventures and even suggests a few games for her daughter to play on her own. Mrs. Jones is ultimately captured by the Other Mother (along with Mr. Jones) and Coraline is forced to brave her fears and rescue her parents.

Mrs. Jones’ character serves as a counterpoint to the Other Mother, contrasting her genuine love and concern for Coraline with the Other Mother’s manipulative and deceitful nature. Her transformation from a busy mother to a determined protector highlights the novel’s themes of maternal love, sacrifice, and the power of family bonds in overcoming adversity.

The Other Father

Role: Antagonist’s tool

Key Info: Created by the Other Mother to serve as a father figure in the parallel world; initially appears warm and loving but ultimately reveals himself to be entirely controlled by the Other Mother’s influence.

The Other Father's portrait
The Other Father, Beldam’s tool to encourage Coraline to stay in the parallel universe
Background: The Other Father is a creation of the Other Mother, designed to fulfill Coraline’s need for a father figure in the parallel world.
Personality: The Other Father initially mirrors the traits of Coraline’s real father, being warm, affectionate, and supportive. However, as the story progresses, his demeanor shifts and he becomes more robotic and obedient, losing his autonomy.
Development: Throughout the narrative, the Other Father’s character undergoes a tragic transformation as he falls deeper under the Other Mother’s control. He becomes a pawn in her scheme to manipulate Coraline, ultimately leading to a heartbreaking confrontation between him and Coraline.
Significance: The Other Father serves as a cautionary example of the dangers of succumbing to external influence and losing one’s sense of self. His character reflects the theme of identity and the importance of maintaining autonomy in the face of manipulation and control.

The Other Father is created by the beldam to look exactly like Coraline’s own father (with a few differences here and there). He is controlled entirely by the beldam and does everything she asks him to do. He tries to entice Coraline into staying in the parallel universe. He cooks delicious meals and engages Coraline in interesting conversations in an attempt to get her to stay. However, he lets slip some valuable information about the Other Mother for which he is punished and pushed through a trapdoor.

When Coraline meets him under the trapdoor, she feels sorry for him and asks him to stand up to the beldam. However, the Other Father is not strong enough to stand up to the Other Mother. He ends up attacking Coraline, who escapes from him by plucking out his button eye. The Other Father’s character adds depth to the story’s exploration of the Other Mother’s powers and the consequences of her deception. His tragic arc serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of individual agency and the struggle to resist external pressures that seek to subvert one’s identity and free will.

Miss Forcible and Miss Spink

Role: Neighbors of the protagonist

Key Info: Eccentric former actresses living in Coraline’s new home; provide comic relief and occasional wisdom to Coraline.

Portrait of Miss Forcible and Miss Spink
Miss Forcible and Miss Spink, Coraline’s fortune-telling, and eccentric neighbours
Background: Miss Forcible and Miss Spink are elderly neighbors of Coraline, residing in the same building. They possess a plethora of quirky habits and stories from their acting days. They befriend Coraline, offering her advice and guidance throughout her adventures.
Personality: Miss Forcible and Miss Spink are eccentric and theatrical, often prone to exaggeration and melodrama. Despite their eccentricities, they genuinely care for Coraline and offer her valuable insights drawn from their own life experiences.
Development: As the story unfolds, Miss Forcible and Miss Spink become increasingly involved in Coraline’s journey in the Other World, providing her with both comic relief and moments of wisdom. Their characters remain consistent, serving as reliable sources of support and amusement for Coraline.
Significance: Miss Forcible and Miss Spink add depth and humor to the narrative, offering a contrast to the darker themes of the story. Their presence highlights the importance of community and intergenerational connections, showcasing how wisdom and friendship can be found in unexpected places.

Miss. Forcible and Miss. Spink are elderly actresses and Coraline’s eccentric neighbors who live in Coraline’s world. The two of them are lovers and they spend most of their lives with their many terriers reminiscing their days from the stage. Miss. Forcible and Miss. Spink agrees that Coraline is “a remarkable young woman” but does not bother to learn her real name, as they keep calling her “Caroline.” 

They are good fortune tellers and they warn Coraline of the impending danger she is going to face. The couple also provides Coraline with a protective stone which ultimately proves to be one of Coraline’s most valuable assets in the other universe.

Miss Forcible and Miss Spink’s characters serve as embodiments of nostalgia and theatricality, harkening back to a bygone era of entertainment. Their eccentricities and larger-than-life personalities provide a whimsical backdrop to Coraline’s adventures, reminding readers of the magic and wonder that can be found in everyday life. Additionally, their friendship with Coraline underscores the theme of mutual support and camaraderie, showing how even the most unlikely friendships can blossom in times of adversity.

Mr. Bobo

Role: Neighbor of the protagonist

Key Info: Eccentric, circus trainer; Coraline’s upstairs neighbor

Artwork of Mr Bobo
Mr Bobo, a rat-training, circus-loving neighbour
Background: Mr. Bobo initially presents himself as Coraline’s unusual upstairs neighbor, his odd behavior and mysterious activities hinting at a deeper strangeness. In the parallel world, he takes on a different guise as part of the Other Mother’s troupe of performers.
Personality: Mr. Bobo exhibits eccentricity and a flair for the dramatic, both in the real world and the parallel one. His demeanor suggests a hidden knowledge or agenda, adding to the overall sense of mystery surrounding him.
Development: While Mr. Bobo’s character does not undergo significant development, his presence adds to the surreal and unsettling atmosphere of the Other Mother’s world. He serves as a minor antagonist, contributing to Coraline’s sense of unease and discomfort.
Significance: Mr. Bobo symbolizes the interconnectedness of Coraline’s real and imagined worlds. His presence in both realms highlights the Other Mother’s influence over Coraline’s perception and experiences, emphasizing the theme of deception and the struggle to discern truth from illusion.

Mr. Bobo is the “crazy old man” who lives in the flat above Coraline’s flat. He trains a rat circus day in and day out. His rats prove to be a valuable asset to Coraline, as they provide useful information to her twice in the novel. However, much to the exasperation of Coraline, Mr. Bobo keeps calling her “Caroline” instead of “Coraline.”

In the parallel universe, Mr. Bobo is much more animated and appears to be a lot more cunning. His rats are sinister and foreboding too. However, once Coraline has escaped from the parallel universe, Mr. Bobo becomes closer to her and even starts calling her by her real name.

Mr. Bobo’s character contributes to the overall sense of unease and tension in the story, serving as a reminder of the Other Mother’s power to shape and distort reality. His circus-like antics and unsettling presence highlight the surreal and nightmarish aspects of Coraline’s journey, amplifying the novel’s themes of fear, deception, and the battle between light and darkness.

The Ghost Children

Role: Allies of the protagonist

Key Info: Trapped souls of children who fell victim to the Other Mother’s deception; aid Coraline in her quest to defeat the Other Mother.

Artwork of The Ghost Children
The Ghost Children, three lost souls wandering the parallel universe
Background: The Ghost Children are the souls of children who were lured into the Other Mother’s world like Coraline, and subsequently trapped by the evil witch. They serve as spectral guides to Coraline, offering her insights and assistance in her confrontation with the Other Mother.
Personality: While the Ghost Children are initially depicted as haunting and mournful, they also display a sense of resilience and determination. Despite their tragic fate, they remain committed to helping Coraline thwart the Other Mother’s plans.
Development: As the story progresses, the Ghost Children play an increasingly active role in Coraline’s journey, providing her with vital information and aiding her in her quest to rescue her parents and defeat the Other Mother.
Significance: The Ghost Children represent the victims of the Other Mother’s deception and serve as a reminder of the stakes involved in Coraline’s confrontation with her. Their presence showcases the theme of sacrifice and the consequences of giving in to temptation.

Coraline meets three ghost children when she is pushed into a tiny room after an argument with the Other Mother. As it turns out, The Other Mother has captured the souls of the ghost children and has left them to wander around in the parallel universe, lost. The first ghost child is a subdued young girl while the second one is a relatively bold and outspoken ghost boy. The last ghost girl is a fairy girl who seems very much like Coraline. All three of them warn Coraline of the dangers ahead and help her defeat The Other Mother in various ways. Ultimately, the souls of the ghost children are set free through Coraline’s dedicated efforts and the three children wander off into the universe. 

The Ghost Children’s characters add depth to the narrative by highlighting the tragic consequences of the Other Mother’s actions. Their spectral presence serves as a haunting reminder of the dangers lurking within the parallel world, motivating Coraline to press forward in her quest to save both herself and the other trapped souls. Additionally, their willingness to aid Coraline despite their own plight emphasizes the importance of empathy and solidarity in the face of adversity.

Coraline by Neil Gaiman Digital Art

Coraline Quiz

Unleash your imagination and courage—our 'Coraline' Trivia Quiz awaits! Do you have the cleverness to navigate the eerie mysteries and hidden dangers of Neil Gaiman's haunting world? Accept the challenge now and prove your mastery over the otherworldly adventures of Coraline!

1) Who is the author of Coraline?

2) What is Coraline's last name?

3) What unusual feature do the inhabitants of the other world have?

4) Who does Coraline meet in the other world who resembles her mother?

5) What is the name of Coraline's cat?

6) How does Coraline enter the other world?

7) What does the Other Mother want to do to Coraline?

8) Who helps Coraline understand the dangers of the other world?

9) What object does Coraline use to see the truth in the other world?

10) What does Coraline find trapped in the other world?

11) Who is Miss Spink and Miss Forcible?

12) What game does the Other Mother propose to Coraline?

13) What is the final challenge Coraline faces in the other world?

14) How does Coraline manage to trap the Other Mother's hand?

15) What does Coraline discover when she returns to the real world?

16) What type of creature is the Other Father?

17) What does Coraline use to keep the souls of the children safe?

18) Who warns Coraline about the other world before she discovers it?

19) What does Coraline find in the other world’s garden?

20) What is the fate of the Other Mother at the end of the novel?

21) What does Coraline's real mother do for a living?

22) What is Coraline's father’s hobby?

23) How does the Other Mother control the other inhabitants of her world?

24) What is the old man upstairs training in his apartment?

25) What does Coraline do to stay calm when she is scared?

26) What is the name of the cat’s owner in the real world?

27) What do Miss Spink and Miss Forcible give Coraline for protection?

28) What is Coraline’s reaction when she first discovers the other world?

29) Why does the Other Mother want Coraline to stay in the other world?

30) How does Coraline save her real parents from the other world?

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Neesha Thunga K

About Neesha Thunga K

B.A. in English Literature, and M.A. in English Language and Literature.

Neesha, born to a family of avid readers, has devoted several years to teaching English and writing for various organizations, making an impact on the literary community.

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