Best Quotes

Henry VIII

'Henry VIII' by William Shakespeare is embellished with quotes that not only bring the characters to life but teach readers some valuable life lessons. Explore further to read more of 'Henry VIII' quotes.

These quotes are mainly about

  • Honesty: ''Ambition wins not more than honesty.'' ''Truth loves open dealing.'' 
  • Public Opinion: ''Men's evil manners live in brass; their virtues we write on water.'' ''To silence envious tongues: be just and fear not.''
  • Vengeance and Enmity: ''Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot that it do singe yourself''

Where do the majority of quotes come from?

  • Cardinal Wolsey's Interactions:  He plays a prominent role in court and says some interesting words in defense of his political scheming
  • Duke of Norfolk's Advice: His warnings to his friend about the dangers of anger and rash actions offer some noteworthy instructions
  • Duke of Buckingham's Reflections: Reflecting on his life at the point of his execution, he advises the crowd to learn from his mistakes

What to make of the quotes

Characteristic of Shakespearean plays, 'Henry VIII' contains wise quotes that teach, chastise and inspire readers on a vast range of life issues including human behaviour, politics, and ambition as it depicts the epic history of a politically tense kingdom. The intense scheming that leads to the downfall of some and the elevation of others gives the characters a lot to observe and reflect on in the play.

Continue down for quotes from Henry VIII

Onyekachi Osuji

Article written by Onyekachi Osuji

B.A. in Public Administration and certified in Creative Writing (Fiction and Non-Fiction)

William Shakespeare is not just famous for his great plays and contribution to literature, he is also renowned for his profound words of wisdom that reverberates across generations. Here are some of the best quotes from ‘Henry VIII‘ that touch on several themes.


Truth loves open dealing

Queen Katherine (Act III, Scene I)

This was said by an obstinate Queen Katherine to Cardinal Wolsey and Cardinal Campeius when they came to speak with her about the dissolution of her marriage to King Henry VIII and demanded to have an audience with her in private.

Queen Katherine saw the Cardinals as corrupt men who were scheming for their selfish gratifications, and considering them her enemies, she wanted to forestall what she suspected was an attempt by the cardinals to involve her in their scheming. Therefore, she demanded they say whatever they wanted to say in the open.

The implication of the quote is that there is no need for secrecy or clandestine activity when one is doing the right thing in sincerity.

Corruption wins not more than honesty

Cardinal Wolsey (Act III, Scene II)

This was said by Cardinal Wolsey after he had been disgraced and stripped of his power. His downfall was partly because his corrupt ways had been discovered by the king and so he was advising Cromwell not to imitate his corrupt ways.

The quote teaches that corruption is not more profitable than honesty in the long run.

Let all the ends thou aim’st at be thy country’s

Thy God’s and truth’s; then if thou fall’st, O Cromwell!

Thou fall’st a blessed martyr

Cardinal Wolsey (Act III, Scene II)

Still a piece of advice from Cardinal Wolsey to Cromwell, this quote appeals to its object to let his conscience be guided by patriotism, God and the truth because even if one is persecuted for upholding those three concepts, one dies a martyr.

Wealth and Value

A beggar’s book outworths a noble’s blood

Duke of Buckingham (Act I, Scene I)

The meaning of this quote is that a beggar who is given a position of authority is more powerful than one from a noble family who does not occupy an office of authority. The quote was made by the Duke of Buckingham about Cardinal Wolsey who rose to eminence despite not being from the nobility.

‘Tis better to be lowly born and range with humble livers in content

Than to be perk’d up in a glist’ring grief and wear a golden sorrow

Anne Bullen (Act II, Scene III)

Anne Bullen was talking about the marital woes of Queen Katherine when she said this. In her opinion, it would have been better if Queen Katherine was a commoner living a simple life happily than for her to face such humiliation and disgrace after being in the elevated position of a queen.

Our content is our best having

Old lady (Act II, Scene III)

This means that contentment is the most valuable possession a person can have.

A closer evaluation of the quote will make one understand that social status or material possessions do not guarantee happiness as in the instance of Queen Katherine who was hurt and disgraced despite having both.

Vengeance and Enmity

Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot that it do singe yourself. We may outrun by violent swiftness that which we run at and lose by over running

Duke of Norfolk (Act I, Scene I)

Here, the Duke of Norfolk was advising the Duke of Buckingham to be careful not to be consumed by his hatred and disdain for Cardinal Wolsey. The lesson in this quote is that sometimes vengeance hurts its bearer even more than the object it is meant for.


Fling away ambition: by that sin fell the angels; how can man then, the image of his maker, hope to win by it?

Cardinal Wolsey (Act III, Scene II)

Part of Cardinal Wolsey’s advice to Cromwell here is a lesson drawn from Cardinal Wolsey’s personal experience and from biblical stories.

Wolsey was teaching how ambition can lead to a person’s downfall after his ambitions had led to his disgrace. Then he also mentioned angels and their maker, alluding to the Christian belief that angels were cast out from heaven for nursing ambitions to take the place of God. These are some of the main themes in ‘Henry VIII.

Public Opinion

Men’s evil manners live in brass; their virtues

We write in water

Griffith (Act IV, Scene II)

This means that we as humans have a propensity to remember and hold on to the bad things a person does but we easily forget the good they do.

Griffith, Queen Katherine’s assistant, said this in response to Queen Katherine’s condemnation of Cardinal Wolsey upon hearing news of his death. Griffith then pointed out to Queen Katherine that although Cardinal Wolsey had his faults, he also had some goodness that was worth commending.

We must not stint our necessary actions in the fear to cope malicious censurers

Cardinal Wolsey (Act I, Scene II)

This simply means that we must not allow what people will say to stop us from doing what is necessary for us to do.

This was Cardinal Wolsey’s response to the King and Queen when confronted with the issue of the masses’ complaints about his use of the office of Lord Chancellor.

Things done well and with a care, exempt themselves from fear

King Henry VIII (Act I, Scene II)

This means that when one does something right, there is no fear of condemnation. He was referring to the unprecedented taxation of one-sixth of total revenue on the masses, telling Cardinal Wolsey that the masses would have no need to complain if good policies were made.

To silence envious tongues: be just, and fear not.

Cardinal Wolsey (Act III, Scene II)

Cardinal Wolsey here was saying that if one is just and fearless, one silences envious people that may conceive to speak ill against one. This was part of Cardinal Wolsey’s parting advice to Cromwell.


Where you are liberal of your loves and counsels be sure you not be loose

Duke of Buckingham (Act II, Scene I)

The Duke of Buckingham was giving this as an open bit of advice to the public as he walked towards his execution. After being betrayed to his death by his servants and confidants, he was advising people to be cautious even in dealing with people they love and trust.

Those that tame wild horses

Pace ‘em not in their hands to make ‘em gentle

But stop their mouths with stubborn bits and spur’em

Till they obey the manage

Gardiner (Act V, Scene III)

This means that when dealing with people or situations that pose danger, it is best to be proactive and take drastic steps to prevent the situation from becoming out of hand or more dangerous.

In the play, the quote was said by Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester, who passionately wanted Cranmer to be punished by the law for heresy.

To climb steep hills requires slow pace at first

Duke of Norfolk (Act I, Scene I)

The above quote was said to the Duke of Buckingham by the Duke of Norfolk. The later was warning the former to be cautious in displaying resentment towards Cardinal Wolsey. The message of the quote is that people have to advance more subtly while taking on some challenges, else they get themselves hurt if they act rashly. Cardinal Wolsey wields a lot of power in the kingdom and can be a formidable and dangerous enemy, therefore Norfolk was pointing out to Buckingham to be tread carefully.

Change and Uncertainties

O! how wretched

Is that poor man that hangs on princes’ favours!

There is betwixt that smile we would aspire to,

That sweet aspect of princes, and their ruin

More pangs and fears than wars or women have

Cardinal Wolsey (Act V, Scene III)

This is decrying the turbulence in fortune one faces when one’s fate is dependent on a royalty’s disposition. Because their dispositions are unpredictable and can change for the better or worse.

The mind, growing once corrupt,

They turn to vicious forms, ten times more ugly

Than they were fair

King Henry VIII (Act I, Scene II)

King Henry VIII was talking about the Duke of Buckingham in this context. Describing the Duke as a gifted and eloquent intellectual, the King expressed regret that when people with such gifts change and begin to use their gifts for evil, they are a dangerous force to reckon with.


What is a famous quote from Henry VIII?

”Things done well and with care exempt themselves from fear”. This is a famous quote said by King Henry VIII in William Shakespeare’s historical play, ‘Henry VIII‘. It was said in Act I, Scene II of the play when King Henry VIII heard about an exorbitant tax imposed on the masses by Cardinal Wolsey

Which King Henry did Shakespeare write about?

William Shakespeare wrote about four different Kings called Henry. Shakespeare wrote about King Henry IV, King Henry V, King Henry VI, and King Henry VIII. All of whom were Kings of England at various points in history.

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Onyekachi Osuji

About Onyekachi Osuji

B.A. in Public Administration and certified in Creative Writing (Fiction and Non-Fiction)

Onyekachi was already an adult when she discovered the rich artistry in the storytelling craft of her people—the native Igbo tribe of Africa. This connection to her roots has inspired her to become a Literature enthusiast with an interest in the stories of Igbo origin and books from writers of diverse backgrounds. She writes stories of her own and works on Literary Analysis in various genres.

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