Character List

Henry VIII

Characters in 'Henry VIII' by William Shakespeare are true-life historical individuals, ingeniously depicted by a legendary playwright to give insights into the personal motivations for the role they played in history. Cardinal Wolsey makes a stellar example of this genius portrayal.

An Overlook of the Main Characters


King Henry VIII Portrait Cartoon Art

Henry VIII

Self-indulgent, credulous, irascible, lustful

Henri VIII is the King of England. He is conflicted between his desires and the complexities of politics and religious doctrines.


Cardinal Wolsey Portrait Cartoon Art

Cardinal Wolsey

Ambitious, intelligent, greedy, scheming

The King's trusted advisor. However, he abuses his position of power for selfish gains and to eliminate his rivals.


Duke of Buckingham Cartoon Portrait Art

Duke of Buckingham

Noble, charismatic, headstrong, forgiving

He is a charismatic man of great repute in the kingdom which makes him a rival to both Henry VIII and Cardinal Wolsey. His execution gives the play its tragic quality and illustrates Cardinal Wolsey's scheming..


Continue down for all the characters to Henry VIII

Onyekachi Osuji

Article written by Onyekachi Osuji

B.A. in Public Administration and certified in Creative Writing (Fiction and Non-Fiction)

Henry VIII‘ by William Shakespeare portrays true-life characters in varying dimensions, from the speech of the characters themselves to the opinions of other characters about a specific character. The most comprehensively developed character in the play is Cardinal Wolsey who develops from a ruthlessly ambitious man to a penitent old man. However, it is pertinent to point out that the portrayals of these true-life characters in the play are based on the opinion of the author of the play, which may be prone to subjective conjectures.

King Henry VIII

Role: Protagonist

Key Info: Self-indulgent, credulous, irascible, lustful; main character of the story.

King Henry VIII Portrait Cartoon Art
King Henry VIII, the ruler of a great kingdom that contends with the church on doctrines
Background: King Henry VIII is a self-indulgent King that does not concern himself with affairs of state but rather lets his adviser take full control of power.
Personality: King Henry VIII is rather pious and loves getting religious validation for his actions. He is amiable when things are going his way but becomes easily ill-tempered when things go otherwise.
Development: Henry VIII’s major development is from being a negligent king to one who becomes very involved in the affairs of his kingdom after he discovers the Cardinal’s treachery.
Significance: King Henry VIII is the most important character in the story. His wants, needs and perceptions determine events and the fate of all the other characters in the play.

Historically, Henry VIII was the King of England who reigned between 1509 to 1547. In the play, he is portrayed as a negligent king who lets his advisor Cardinal Wolsey wield too much power and blindly trusts him so much that he does not give a listening ear to anything that contradicts Cardinal Wolsey.

He is also subtly criticized in the play as a man who tries to manipulate religion to justify his lustful desires for a woman other than his wife.

Towards the end of the play, he becomes more active in the affairs of his Kingdom as shown in the role he plays in Cranmer’s trial.

Although Henry VIII is the eponymous character of the play, he does not play a major role in it. The plot of the play focuses more on the scheming of the officials in his court.


Cardinal Wolsey

Role: Antagonist

Key Info: Vengeful, scheming, ambitious; the king’s adviser.

Cardinal Wolsey Portrait Cartoon Art
Cardinal Wolsey, the most powerful man in the kingdom after the king
Background: Cardinal Wolsey is not of noble birth, he was born into a lowly family. Yet, in an era where mobility of social status is almost impossible, he rises to the apex of both church and state through his intellect, ambition and astuteness.
Personality: Cardinal Wolsey is so ambitious that it gets the better of him and he begins to scheme to grasp power ruthlessly. He is proud, vengeful and greedy but keeps up false appearances of humility.
Development: Cardinal Wolsey’s character undergoes a significant development after he is disgraced by the king. He becomes a penitent and truly humble man.
Significance: Cardinal Wolsey plays a key role in most of the events in the play. He symbolizes the corrupt nature of politics and religion in the era.

Cardinal Wolsey is the chief character of the play. He is not from a noble family, nor does he have prestigious connections, but he rose to power and affluence by the merits of his hard work and talent. Historically, he was the Archbishop of York from 1514 to 1530 and served King Henry VIII as Lord Chancellor from 1515 to 1529.

King Henry VIII loves and trusts Cardinal Wolsey because he came highly recommended by his father Henry VII. Cardinal Wolsey handles most of the affairs of the Kingdom and is competent in his duties, albeit corrupt.

Shakespeare portrays Cardinal Wolsey as a greedy, proud and ambitious man who uses his trusted position with the king to gratify his selfish needs.

the cardinal does buy and sell his honour as he pleases, And for his own advantage

Duke of Buckingham’s description of Cardinal Wolsey in Act I, Scene I

In the play, he imposes exorbitant taxes on the masses, embezzles money and jewels from the treasury, and diverts properties confiscated by the state into his belonging. He does all these with the intention of funding his ambition to become a pope.

He also uses the powers entrusted to him by King Henry VIII to negotiate political and economic deals that suit his personal fancy. He is instrumental in determining the volatile relationship between the King of France and the King of England.

He is vengeful and malicious and goes to great lengths to eliminate those that appear to be a threat to his ambitions. He sends other members of the court who are loved by the king on assignments far away from the palace to reduce their access to the king. And he eliminates the Duke of Buckingham by framing him up for treason because he knows that the Duke of Buckingham loathes him and may be privy to information that may reveal his selfish abuse of office to the king.

He is scheming and manipulative. He places people that are loyal to him in strategic positions where they can have access to the king. We also see his manipulative tendencies when he falsely takes credit for pleading a pardon on exorbitant taxes with the king when in fact, it was Queen Katherine who made the plea at the prompting of the Duke of Norfolk.

His character however undergoes significant development in the play. When he falls out of favour with the king, he changes from a proud, greedy and malicious man to a humble and repentant man. And he advises Cromwell not to follow in his corrupt ways.

Duke of Buckingham

Role: Rival

Key Info: Noble, intellectual, eloquent, and charismatic; King Henry VIII and Cardinal Wolsey perceive him as a rival and a threat to their positions because of his fine qualities and popularity.

Duke of Buckingham Cartoon Portrait Art
The Duke of Buckingham, an eloquent noble man loved by many
Background: He is an erudite scholar from a great noble family whose eloquence and charisma endeared him to many.
Personality: The Duke of Buckingham is charismatic, noble and good-natured. However, he is sometimes hot-headed and can openly declare enmity without tact.
Development: The Duke maintains a positive disposition even in the face of death. However, he rues his trustful nature and careless display of enmity with Cardinal Wolsey.
Significance: The Duke of Buckingham is used to demonstrate Cardinal Wolsey’s evil traits. Also, the Duke’s execution symbolizes the numerous killings of subjects by the irascible King Henry VIII.

He is a learned and intelligent man of a noble background. He is loved by the royals and the masses alike for his intellect, eloquence and generosity.

However, he lacks political tact, this is evidenced in the way he carelessly makes it known that he despises Cardinal Wolsey, despite knowing the immense power Wolsey wields. He is charged with treason, imprisoned, and beheaded. The allegations and testimonies against him are seemingly orchestrated by Cardinal Wolsey due to their disdain for each other but although he mourns his fate of dying for a false allegation but walks bravely to his death and forgives all that orchestrated his downfall.

Queen Katherine

Role: First Wife of the Protagonist

Key Info: Virtuous, dutiful, astute, pious.

Queen Katherine Portrait Cartoon Art
Queen Katherine, the dutiful first wife of King Henry VIII
Background: She was a Spanish princess who married into the royal family of England for a political alliance. She was first married to Henry VIII’s elder brother Prince Arthur. Then married Henry VIII after Prince Arthur’s death.
Personality: Queen Katherine is characterised by her virtue, piety and devotion to her husband. She possesses a strong sense of duty to her people and kingdom. Also, she is obstinate in her belief of right and wrong.
Development: Queen Katherine develops from a woman resolute in remaining in her marriage to one who resigns to her fate as a divorcee. Another development for her is the change in her perception of Cardinal Wolsey upon news of his death.
Significance: Queen Katherine serves as a major cause of conflict in the story. Her refusal to easily accept the King’s divorce changes the course of some events in the story.

She is a queen loved by all and perceived as a virtuous woman. She pleads with the king to make policies more favourable to the masses. For instance, when she learns of an exorbitant tax imposed on the commons, she pleads to King Henry against it.

She is royalty by birth and Spanish by origin—the daughter of Ferdinand II, King of Aragon. Her nephew is Charles V, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. She was first married to Prince Arthur, Henry VIII’s elder brother. But when Prince Arthur died shortly after their marriage, she marries Henry VIII.  Although her marriage was for political reasons, she is a devoted and loving wife to King Henry VIII for twenty years.

She is astute and a good judge of character. She is suspicious of Cardinal Wolsey and perceives pride and power lust beneath his affectations of humility. She senses a conspiracy in the allegations against the Duke of Buckingham and warns the king not to be too quick to judge.

Despite being a submissive wife, we also see a great deal of stubbornness in her character when she obstinately refuses to participate in the proceedings meant to dissolve her marriage with King Henry VIII and declares Cardinal Wolsey her enemy. However, she is eventually subdued by the King’s power and pressure and is forced to leave her position as queen.

The initiation of divorce by the king makes her feel hurt, betrayed and alone in a foreign country but she maintains her dignity through it all. Shakespeare portrays her as a saintly woman in the play.

Although the name is spelt as ‘Katherine’ in this play, the actual name on which it is based is spelt ‘Catherine’.

Anne Bullen

Role: Second wife of the Protagonist

Key Info: Coy, hypocritical, youthful

Anne Bullen Portrait Cartoon Art
The young and beautiful Anne Bullen
Background: She is a young beautiful maiden from a lowly background who infatuates the king when they meet at a party.
Personality: She is a little hypocritical, at first claiming nothing would make her desire to be queen but swiftly changing her position after being lavished with gifts by the king.
Development: Anne Bullen develops from a lowly maiden to the queen of a great kingdom.
Significance: Anne Bullen is also a major cause of conflict in the play. The King’s infatuation with her had great implications for the kingdom and the church.

Unlike Queen Katherine born into royalty, Anne Bullen is a lowly girl whose asset lies more in her beauty than in her family background. She is Queen Katherine’s maid of honour. She is young, pretty and attractive to many men including the King who becomes infatuated with her after meeting her at a party.

She pities the Queen when news of the divorce is made known and vehemently swears that she never wants to be queen, but eventually changes her stance when she is showered with wealth, affluence and the promise of power.

The play does not extensively explore the depth of her character beyond her beauty and an allusion to her Lutheran faith.

The actual spelling of the name on which this character is based is Anne Boleyn, but it is spelt ‘Bullen’ in this Shakespearean play.

Duke of Norfolk

Role: Member of the King’s Court

Key Info: Wise, intuitive, tactful.

Duke of Norfolk Portrait Cartoon Art
The Duke of Norfolk
Background: He is of noble birth and has a position in the King’s court.
Personality: He is intuitive, wise and well-versed in the art of politicking. He is patient, and tactful and does not give in to rash actions
Development: The Duke of Norfolk undergoes no significant changes in the story.
Significance: He serves as a voice of reason to the other characters and points out the themes of the play to the audience.

He is a friend of the Duke of Buckingham and warns the Duke of Buckingham to apply caution as regards Cardinal Wolsey. But unlike the Duke of Buckingham, he is more tactful in his dealings. For instance, when he learns of the exorbitant tax imposed by Cardinal Wolsey, he tactfully goes through Queen Katherine to bring it to the notice of the king to avoid the risk of crossing Wolsey if he tries to access the king directly.

He is among those eager to be harbingers of the downfall of Cardinal Wolsey because he feels a sense of vengeance for his friend, the deceased Duke of Buckingham.


Role: Member of the King’s Council

Key Info: Sharp, impatient, loyal

Gardiner Portrait Cartoon Art
Gardiner, a royal court member who plots to imprison Cranmer for his Protestant Beliefs
Background: He is a clergyman brought into the king’s council by Cardinal Wolsey.
Personality: He strongly believes in the catholic Doctrines as prescribed by the pope and resents those with protestant beliefs.
Development: His transformation is in accepting the protestants after realising the king’s stance.
Significance: Gardiner signifies the resistance of some Catholic church members to the new church in England.

He is the Bishop of Winchester, secretary to King Henry VIII and a member of the king’s council, placed on these prestigious positions by Cardinal Wolsey and a sworn loyal servant to Wolsey. His continued sense of loyalty to Wolsey even after Wolsey’s death makes him disdainful of Cranmer who occupies the position of the trusted advisor of the king—a position previously held by his benefactor, Cardinal Wolsey.

He is sharp and impatient in trying to convict and imprison Cranmer but upon realizing that Cranmer is under the king’s favour and protection, he makes a politically sound decision and embraces Cranmer in friendship.

Lord Chamberlain

Role: Member of the King’s court

Key Info: Cautious, savvy, diplomatic

Lord Chamberlain Portrait Cartoon Art
Lord Chamberlain, a member of the royal court
Background: He is a member of the King’s court
Personality: He is cautious enough distinguish his personal relationship with people from politics
Development: The significant change in his character is his perception of Cardinal Wolsey. At first, he is meekly obedient to Cardinal Wolsey but later becomes resentful of him.
Significance: He plays a role in the defeat of the powerful antagonist in the play.

An official in the palace. At first, welcoming to Cardinal Wolsey’s power but later becomes dissatisfied with Wolsey’s greedy accumulation of resources. Still, he keeps his sentiments aside and continues to mind his office.

He later serves as an informant to the faction of court officials that plot the fall of Cardinal Wolsey but keeps his role in the plot hidden.


Role: A Protestant Member of the King’s Council

Key Info: Thoughtful and solemn

Cranmer Cartoon Portrait Art
Cranmer, the Archbishop of Canterbury
Background: A clergyman with an affinity to the Protestant movements in the church who later becomes a prominent member of the King’s council
Personality: He has a radical personality as he is among the earliest clergies to join the Protestant Reforms even at a time when it was forbidden.
Development: In the play, Cranmer rises from obscurity to become the King’s most trusted spiritual guardian and the most revered clergyman in the kingdom.
Significance: He plays a key role in helping the king resolve his conflict with church doctrine and a desire to remarry.

He is the Archbishop of Canterbury, although, in the Catholic church, he supports Lutheran Protestant reformations for which other officials in the palace try to imprison him.

He plays a crucial role in facilitating King Henry VIII’s marriage to Anne Bullen and it wins him the King’s favour. The King protects him from prosecution by the Catholic faction of the palace council who see him as a manipulative and dishonest man.

He baptizes Anne Bullen’s daughter Elizabeth, prophesying her future rule as a great monarch.


Role: Member of the Royal Council

Key Info: Pragmatic, strategic and principled

Cromwell Cartoon Portrait Art
Cromwell, a respectable member of the royal council
Background: He was not of noble birth but his ability to formulate good political strategies earned him a position in the King’s council.
Personality: He had a pragmatic approach to the political intrigues in the court and handled conflicts gracefully.
Development: He gains status and power as the play unfolds.
Significance: He is a recipient of Cardinal Wolsey’s advice and serves as a channel to convey some themes of the play to the audience.

Friend to Cardinal Wolsey. He comforts the cardinal after his fall and is advised by the cardinal to eschew corrupt ways in his service to the throne.

He becomes a member of the King’s Council after Cardinal Wolsey’s death and ran his office competently. He advised Gardiner to apply moderation in his harsh treatment of Cranmer.


Role: Queen Katherine’s loyal servant

Key Info: Good-natured and charitable.

Griffith Portrait Cartoon Art
Griffith, a kind and loyal servant to the queen
Background: He is Queen Katherine’s attendant and keeps the queen updated on events in the kingdom and beyond.
Personality: He is good-natured and judges people kindly, pointing out good qualities even in people that are considered evil.
Development: There is no noticeable transformation of Griffith’s character in the play.
Significance: Griffith plays the role of an advocate for the deceased as he defends Cardinal Wolsey and points out his good qualities which make Queen Katherine change and reverse her condemnation of the cardinal.

Griffith is a servant who informs Queen Katherine of events in the surrounding kingdoms. He is kind in judgement and points out some good things about the deceased Cardinal Wolsey who is harshly judged by most people. He is the character that said as quoted below:

Men’s evil manners live in brass; their virtues we write in water” (Act IV, Scene II)

Act IV, Scene II

Old Lady

Role: Anne Bullen’s Attendant

Key Info: Wise, shrewd, bold.

Old Lady Portrait Cartoon Art
Old Lady, a woman in the service of Anne Bullen
Background: She is Anne Bullen’s attendant and confidant.
Personality: She is a good judge of character and wise from age and experience. Although she is a servant, she is bold in expressing her views.
Development: The Old Lady does not undergo any transformation in the story.
Significance: Old Lady’s presence in the play amplifies the portrayal of Anne Bullen’s traits to the audience.

She is a companion to Anne Bullen who points out the hypocrisy of Anne Bullen’s proclamation that she would never want to be a queen. She is also the one who reports the progress of Anne Bullen’s childbirth to the king.

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Onyekachi Osuji

About Onyekachi Osuji

B.A. in Public Administration and certified in Creative Writing (Fiction and Non-Fiction)

Onyekachi was already an adult when she discovered the rich artistry in the storytelling craft of her people—the native Igbo tribe of Africa. This connection to her roots has inspired her to become a Literature enthusiast with an interest in the stories of Igbo origin and books from writers of diverse backgrounds. She writes stories of her own and works on Literary Analysis in various genres.

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