
The Sun Is Also A Star

"The Sun Is Also A Star" dives into the workings of human interaction. It humanizes its characters and gives them a reason to exist.

An Overlook of the Main Characters


Natasha Kingsley Cartoon Portrait Art

Natasha Kingsley

Smart, Inquisitive, Beautiful.

Natasha Kingsley fights a verdict from the USCIS ordering her family to leave the country. She meets Daniel Bae and goes on an adventurous date.


Daniel Bae Cartoon Portrait Art

Daniel Bae

Poetic, Loving, Daring.

Daniel Bae is a second-generation Korean American. He struggles with choosing between his family's wishes and his.


Attorney Jeremy Fitzgerald Cartoon Portrait Art

Attorney Jeremy Fitzgerald

Smart, Confident, Empathetic.

Attorney Jeremy Fitzgerald fights for Natasha's immigration status. However, he fails after missing a judge's appointment.


Continue down for all the characters to The Sun Is Also A Star

Joshua Ehiosun

Article written by Joshua Ehiosun

C2 certified writer.

“The Sun Is Also A Star” by Nicola Yoon connects many strangers’ lives intricately. Though it follows the experiences of its primary characters, Natasha Kingsley and Daniel Bae, it stretches out and shows the people who influenced Daniel and Natasha’s lives. Every character had an intricate story that determined the outcome of their lives, and the novel showed how their past affected the present and future.

Natasha Kingsley

Role: Natasha is the primary female protagonist.

Key Info: Natasha Kingsley is a seventeen-year-old Jamaican girl and an undocumented immigrant.

Natasha Kingsley Cartoon Portrait Art
Natasha Kingsley, A Young Jamaican Immigrant.
Background: She and her family moved to the United States when she was eight. She has a cynical view of the world, believing everything is empirical and orderly. She does not believe in abrupt love and prefers the world of data and science.
Personality: Natasha is beautiful, with brown eyes and dark-brown afro hair.
Development: Though her family did not have much, Natasha hoped to have a great life when she entered the university. However, everything came crashing down when the police apprehended her father for a DUI. Upon his arrest, immigration services discovered that Natasha’s family was illegally residing in the country and asked them to leave.
Significance: Natasha is a beautiful girl in dire circumstances. She felt life was unfair, as her family had to leave the country. However, in the chaos she called life, Daniel popped in and gave her something she never thought she would experience: love.

Determined to fight the deportation order, Natasha heads to the USCIS office. She meets a young female security guard named Irene, and after pleading with her, Natasha meets Lester Barnes, who refers her to an immigration attorney, Jeremy Fitzgerald.

On her way to Attorney Jeremy’s office, Natasha enters a music store and sees her ex-boyfriend, Rob, who cheated on her with the girl he was currently kissing. Sickened by the scene, she remarks, and a strange boy in a suit and red tie responds, saying the kissing couple may likely be shoplifters. 

After a brief moment together, Natasha leaves the boy and heads out. She attempts to cross the road but falls back. Natasha realizes the red-tie boy saved her life, and he introduces himself as Daniel. She then agrees to go on a date with him.

Daniel Bae

Role: Daniel Jae Ho Bae is the primary male protagonist.
Key Info: He is a seventeen-year-old second-generation Korean-American and a poetry lover.

Daniel Bae Cartoon Portrait Art
Daniel Bae, A Korean-American Poet
Background: As the youngest son of Dae Hyun and Min Soo, Daniel feels a little pressure as his parents want him to attend Yale University and become a doctor.
Personality: Daniel has brown eyes and long black hair that he ties into a ponytail.
Development: After saving a young girl from getting hit by a white BMW, Daniel introduces himself, and she tells him her name is Natasha. While standing up, Daniel notices tears welling up in Natasha’s eyes because of her broken headphones. Being a contagious crier, he turns to hide the tears welling up in his eyes.
Significance: Daniel suffered from the weight of the American Dream. He was born into a household that forced an idea on him that he never wanted.

Daniel offers to fix Natasha’s headphones, but she refuses. He then asks her on a small date, and she agrees after he persuades her. Daniel takes Natasha on a coffee date and learns more about her. He discovers she is a cynic who believes in the rigidity of the universe. 

As Daniel talks with Natasha, he finds himself falling for her. He reveals he is to attend an admission interview for Yale University. While talking, Natasha tells Daniel not to fall in love with her. However, he asks her for a day.

Daniel escorts Natasha to her appointment and secretly waits for her. He takes her to his family’s salon, where he fights with his brother. On leaving, he and Natasha head to a Korean restaurant, then karaoke, where Natasha passionately kisses him. 

Upon realizing they have fallen for each other, Natasha tells Daniel she is an illegal immigrant who is to leave the country the same day.

Shocked by the revelation, Daniel fights with Natasha and leaves. He returns to his family’s salon and fights his brother. 

Daniel heads to his interview and realizes he and Natasha had an appointment with the same person, Attorney Jeremy Fitzgerald. He and Jeremy discuss, and Daniel learns of Natasha’s deportation verdict.

Attorney Jeremy Fitzgerald

Role: Attorney Jeremy Fitzgerald is a lawyer who takes on Natasha’s immigration case.
Key Info: Attorney Jeremy is the best immigration lawyer in New York City.

Attorney Jeremy Fitzgerald Cartoon Portrait Art
Attorney Jeremy Fitzgerald, A Seasoned Lawyer
Background: Jeremy has a wife and two children but has a secret affair with his paralegal, Hannah Winter.
Personality: Jeremy is a confident lawyer with many successful cases.
Development: On his way to work, a white BMW hits Jeremy; this forces him to rethink his life’s choices, and he decides to tell his wife that he loves Hannah.
Significance: Jeremy was the most crucial person Natasha needed. However, he let her down because of his inability to control his immediate urges. If he had been a bit more patient, Natasha’s life would have turned out differently.

On returning to the office, Jeremy meets Natasha Kingsley, a seventeen-year-old girl fighting a deportation order issued to her family. After hearing her story, he agrees to fight for her. However, he misses the appointment with the judge presiding over Natasha’s case.

On returning to the office, Hannah talks to a boy and says she is leaving. When the boy enters, he is shocked and tells Jeremy he knows Natasha. Noticing the bruise on his face and blood on his shirt, Jeremy asks the young boy about his interest in Yale. However, the boy says he does not want to attend the university and tells him he wants to be a poet. 

Jeremy eventually reveals to the boy he failed to help Natasha. He later leaves his wife and marries Hannah.

Charlie Bae

Role: Charles Jae Won Bae is Daniel’s older brother.
Key Info: He is a student at Harvard University, but after struggling academically, he withdraws for two semesters, bringing his parents shame.

Charlie Bae Cartoon Portrait Art
Charlie Bae, Daniel’s Older Brother.
Background: Charlie is tall and has a chiseled face many girls adore. Though his parents are from South Korea, he loves denying his lineage.
Personality: Charlie is a rude person who loves mocking others. He is academically sound but faltered a bit at school.
Development: Charlie sees Daniel walk in with a black girl while working at his family’s restaurant. He taunts his brother and later fights him. After Daniel leaves, the girl returns and asks for his number. 
Significance: Though a horrible person, Charlie helping Natasha with his brother’s number was an act of kindness that influenced Daniel’s life positively.

Charlie eventually returns to school and graduates. He becomes a corrupt politician and drops his Korean name.

Samuel Kingsley

Role: Samuel Kingsley is Natasha’s father.
Key Info: As a lover of acting, Samuel leaves his wife and daughter and heads to America to fulfill his dreams.

Samuel Kingsley Cartoon Portrait Art
Samuel Kingsley, Natasha’s Father.
Background: However, after years of not succeeding, his wife and daughter enter the country to meet him.
Personality: Samuel is a sullen man who looks defeated. He works the graveyard shift as a security guard.
Development: After starring in a play called The Raisin in the Sun, Samuel realizes his life could have turned out differently if he had not met Patricia; this realization leads to a night of drinking that ends in a DUI arrest.
Significance: Samuel’s sad life influenced his daughter, Natasha, as it made her feel fate was cruel.

Unable to make it big, Samuel turns to menial jobs to make ends meet. However, after getting an acting gig, he and his friends drink into a stupor, and the police apprehend him. They discover Samuel is an illegal immigrant and order him and his family to leave the country. After returning home, Samuel realizes he has chosen right. He becomes an actor in a local community theater.

Patricia Kingsley

Role: Patricia Kingsley is Samuel Kingsley’s wife and Natasha’s mother.
Key Info: She entered the United States illegally with her daughter to meet her husband.

Patricia Kingsley Cartoon Portrait Art
Patricia Kingsley, Natasha’s Mother.
Background: Patricia fell in love with a young man in Jamaica, and they had two children. However, life happened, and their budding love turned sour.
Personality: Patricia is a beautiful woman who is straightforward. She works a minimum-wage job to sustain her family.
Development: After Samuel gets a DUI charge, Patricia blames him for putting the family at risk.
Significance: Patricia returns to Jamaica after her family’s deportation, and five years later, she falls sick and passes away.

After Patricia passes away, life becomes hard for Natasha, Peter, and Samuel. However, her love for her family holds them together. Eventually, Natasha meets Daniel five years later.

Dae Hyun Bae

Role: Dae Hyun is Daniel and Charlie’s father.
Key Info: He emigrated from South Korea with his wife after discovering that keeping his family’s crab fishing business would leave him in poverty.

Dae Hyun Bae Cartoon Portrait Art
Dae Hyun Bae, Daniel’s Strict Father.
Background: With a cousin’s help, Dae arrives in America and sets up a black hair care salon even though he is racist to black people. 
Personality: Dae is a strict man who believes in traditional masculine roles.
Development: When Natasha arrives at Daniel’s family saloon, she meets Dae, who acts racially insensitive to her even though his shop caters to black people. Daniel profusely apologizes for his father’s actions.
Significance: Dae was the primary obstacle Daniel faced. He wanted his son to have a happy and stable life, and though his wishes were out of love, he forgot to account for what his son desired.

As a reserved man, Dae believed that poverty is contagious; this made him never talk about his past with his sons.

After Daniel’s fight with Charlie, Dae says he wants him to attend Yale to have a prestigious life free of poverty. He tells Daniel he will cut him off if he does not attend the university.

Min Soo Bae

Role: Min Soo Bae is Daniel and Charlie’s mother.
Key Info: Her youngest son, Daniel, loves her and feels comfortable writing poetry in her presence.

Min Soo Bae Cartoon Portrait Art
Min Soo Bae, Daniel’s Loving Mother.
Background: Min Soo Bae followed her husband, Dae, from Korea to the United States.
Personality: She is a reserved woman who barely speaks. She has two sons, Charlie and Daniel, and though she loves them, her opinions are overshadowed by her husband’s.
Development: Min Soo understood the importance of letting her sons embrace their American identities and gave them English names.
Significance: Min Soo was once a skilled painter, and when Daniel found out, he wondered if she regretted giving up her painting dreams to become a mother.

When Min Soo learns Charlie is advised to forfeit two semesters at Harvard, she is distraught and tells Daniel to avoid being like his brother; this angers Charlie.

Lester Barnes

Role: Lester Barnes is the case officer at the USCIS building in Manhattan.
Key Info: He meets a young girl whose family is facing deportation.

Lester Barnes Cartoon Portrait Art
Lester Barnes, Case Officer at USCIS.
Background: After hearing Natasha’s story, Lester gives her the best immigration lawyer in New York, Attorney Jeremy Fitzgerald’s contact.
Personality: Lester is an endearing man who knows when people are in dire need of help.
Development: After helping Natasha with Attorney Jeremy’s number, Lester delivers Natasha’s message to Irene. Unknown to him, this act alters the young woman’s life.
Significance: Lester was an unknowingly important part of Natasha’s journey. If he had not given her Jeremy’s number, she would have never met Daniel and fallen in love with him.

“The Sun Is Also A Star” beautifully portrays how the tiniest actions have significant consequences. If Lester had never helped Natasha, then Irene would have died, and Daniel would have lived an unfulfilling life as he would not have met Natasha.


Role: Irene is a depressed security guard at the USCIS building.
Key Info: She suffers from extreme loneliness and looks like a non-challant person to others.

Irene Cartoon Portrait Art
Irene, Security Guard at USCIS Office.
Background: Irene’s depression changed her opinion of reality. It made her feel like an undiscovered island.
Personality: Irene is a reserved woman who does not interact with people.
Development: After helping Natasha meet Lester Barnes, Irene returns home and learns a detail that changes her life.
Significance: Before meeting Natasha, Irene decided to commit suicide. However, when she got home, Lester Barnes told her Natasha left a ‘Thank You’ message.

With a new conviction, Irene quits her job and becomes a flight attendant. Ten years later, she meets the same woman whose message changed her life, and unknowingly, her interactions unite the woman with the love of her life.

The White BMW Driver

Role: The white BMW driver is a man named Donald Christainsen.
Key Info: Donald Christainsen is a man suffering from the grief of his daughter’s demise.

The White BMW Driver Cartoon Portrait Art
Donald Christainsen, The Drunk Driver Of A White BMW.
Background: Two years earlier, his daughter died, and he never recovered. He took to alcohol to ease the pain.
Personality: Donald drove around drunk in his white BMW and almost hit a young black girl.
Development: He later hits a man, Jeremy Fitzgerald; this influences Natasha and Daniel’s life, though they never realize it.
Significance: The irony in Donald’s actions is a driver hit his daughter while she was texting on the road. “The Sun Is Also A Star” portrayed his grief and showed how he tried coping with a heart-shattering tragedy.

“The Sun Is Also A Star” excellently quantified its characters’ emotions. Donald Christen was lost in grief and could see no way out as his daughter’s death was a stain that would never wash away. Nicola intricately humanized his feelings and gave him a well-deserved redemption.

Other Characters in the novel include Peter Kingsley, Bev, Rob, Hannah Winter, and The Conductor.

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Joshua Ehiosun

About Joshua Ehiosun

C2 certified writer.

Joshua is an undying lover of literary works. With a keen sense of humor and passion for coining vague ideas into state-of-the-art worded content, he ensures he puts everything he's got into making his work stand out. With his expertise in writing, Joshua works to scrutinize pieces of literature.

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