
Here at Book Analysis, we want to create the #1 website for book analysis, with the largest database of books analyzed from the past and present. As well as this, we wanted to make the world a better place, however we can.

For this reason, we want to spread the great work Teenage Cancer Trust does and pledge to donate £25 ($35) every month.

Teenage Cancer Trust is a cancer care charity that aims to improve the lives of those that have been diagnosed with cancer, between the ages of 13-24.

It is a charity that is close to the heart of those at Book Analysis, and we like to do everything we can to give back where we can, especially in memory of a dearly missed friend of ours, Josh.

Please watch the videos at the bottom of this article, created by Teenage Cancer Trust – they help to share what the charity is truly about.

teenage cancer trust transparent

Help us help others

If you have a cause you feel incredibly passionate about, please feel free to contact us. We know there are so many great charities to donate to. With the revenue generated from the site, we want to give that bit back, too, by helping those that browse our site by supporting their causes.

If anything 2020 taught us with the Global Pandemic of COVID-19, it is that a little help, love, and care can go a long way to improving the lives of those who acquire it.

A little can go a long way.